Legal Disclaimer

We have tried to make the information on this website as comprehensive as possible, with a high volume of detail regarding services and treatments.

This website is continually updated, and our best efforts are employed to deliver accurate information about our services and treatments. Should you identify any information that is either inaccurate or out of date, we would appreciate any feedback so amendments can be made.

None of the dentists or nurses that work at Oak Tree Dental Practice are legally responsible for any information that you consider misleading or inaccurate.


Oak Tree Dental Practice's 'Privacy' Statement (Data Protection)

As of May 25th 2018, Data Protection Laws changed (GDPR). Nothing much has changed in how we look after and are responsible for the information we hold about you and your dental health. 

In providing your dental care and treatment, we will ask for information about you and your health. Occasionally we may receive information from other providers who have been involved in

providing your dental care. Oak Tree's Privacy Statement describes the type of personal information we hold, why we hold it and what we do with it. 

As part of our transparency policy, you can request to see our Privacy statement at any time, and you can request to obtain the full statement either via Telephone, in writing, or come into practice.